Guy Kewney is actually an old hand who has been around the block half a
dozen times and seen most of what there is to see.
I've done a few interviews, in every case they contacted me BTW, on
this subject, in every case I was quite open and frank, didn't give
anyone any crap about wanting editorial veto or sight of drafts before
publishing, and said you ask questions, I'll answer 'em, then you write
it how you see it. My closing comments to one interviewer about this
were "you can't polish a turd"
"buntworld" doesn't exist anywhere except in the fevered imaginations
of the defendants, soon to be defendants, or desperate luser
While talking to Guy he made an astute and interesting observation,
about the psychological correlations between the london bombers hyping
each other up and egging each other on, and the defendants in this
Now, you can believe that this really astute guy with shit loads of
experience whose employment and income depends upon a reputation for
not talking bollocks has suddenly taken leave of his senses and / or
was blackmailed by me into writing what he did, or you can believe that
he was wrong about the psychology of the london bombers and yourselves
and indeed everything else about this case, and in fact the rest of the
planet is wrong too, and only the defendants have got it right.
basically the psychology is you are all socially isolated and
culturally bereft, then you meet via whatever medium (in this case
usenet) and then "Group Dynamics" takes over and before you know it you
all think you are "more royal than the king" and of course once in a
group each member conforms more and more to the group and the whole
thing goes into an endless positive feedback cycle.
It is absolutely, totally, 100% spot on.