(too old to reply)
Second Family (UK)
2007-03-09 13:20:01 UTC
Hi Second Family (UK)

We thought you might like to read the email
from Maurice Kellett, it will give you an
insight to the Masonic harassment that
he gets all the time.

It's so easy for the Collective Masons to
cowardly pick on an invalid man in a =

rural area. They even moved a Masonic
Police family into the house next door to
him. We believe this to be temporary as
they have their own home to live in.

We will tell you more at the next SF meeting

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Common Cause" <***@t>
Date: 8 March 2007 23:24:08 GMT
To: ***@mac.com
Subject: Todays fax to Carlisle Magistrates

Hi Joe.
Copied below is the contents of a fax that I sent to Carlisle Magistrates Court around=
noon today. I await for any possible backlash because of it. I am told that Spedding is=
a friend of the Royals as a recorder is a stand-in high court judge this statement has h=
it them where it will hurt. The fax that I sent was of course signed. If they do nothing a=
bout what they got today, they will know that I will make that publicly=C2=A0known. I=
f they do carry out their public duty, which is very unlikely=C2=A0and act on the info=
rmation contained in the fax, this will also cause them problems. I just dont know whi=
ch way they will react. I just have to wait and see what happens. Something happened ju=
st south of here this afternoon=C2=A0which might have just been a coincidence, or mi=
ght have been because Northumbria police had been watching me. I prepared myself for=
what they might have tried to do.
I need to get down to the work soon that I told you I would carry out. I am determined to do=
this whatever happens.
My health has not been too good lately Joe and my care ladies wanted to call for a doctor=
for me a couple of days ago. They are good people and deserve a better life than the job t=
hey do. One of them, (Carol)=C2=A0brought me some home made chutney this morning. It=
s people like these who havehelped=C2=A0keep me going. I just hope that its just a bad=
spell that I am going through thats causing the problem.
Mr Maurice Kellett
1 Spa Cottages
Brampton Cumbria
5 March 2005
Case Number 030700050908
Dear Sir/Madam
I refer to the police allegation made against me that on 14th October=C2=A0 2006 at Br=
ampton in the County of Cumbria, it has been alleged that I was the driver of a car Y429J=
SC said to have been guilty of an offence and that I failed to give such information as t=
o the identity of the driver as the allegation against me says that
I was required to give by or on behalf of the Chief Officer of Police for Cumbria.
1)=C2=A0 I know absolutely nothing about the above allegation. I am not aware of any s=
uch requirement to give that information to anyone.
0700050908/ 2
It is alleged that on 14th October 2006 I drove PEOGEOT 306L Y429JSC on=C2=A0 A6071 Th=
e Sands Road, Brampton, exceeding the legal limit of 30 miles per hour. The alleged sp=
eed of this car was alleged as having been at 42 miles per hour..
The circumstances of this matter are as follows:
Sometime around a month before Christmas 2006 I was admitted to Brampton, Cumbria=C2=
=A0 Hospital. I remained there for three weeks until I was discharged from it a week be=
fore Christmas 2006.
Around the early part of 2006 I had suffered several strokes. The Cumberland Infirma=
ry have carried out body scans and have confirmed that I have suffered brain damage as=
a result of them. I give the Court permission relevant to the present allegations mad=
e against me, to confirm the facts of my above statement which can be obtained from the=
Cumberland Infirmary, Whitehaven Hospital and Brampton Hospital. I have been a pat=
ient in all of them over the past few months.
Around a month before last Christmas I was admitted to Brampton Hospital. I stayed th=
ere until a week before Christmas 2006.
Shortly after Christmas 2006, I was admitted first to Whitehaven hospital and then f=
rom there I was admitted to Cumberland Infirmary. I spent another three weeks at that=
hospital. Another brain scan carried out at that hospital has I am told shown damage t=
o my brain caused as a result of the strokes that I mention here. Around five or six week=
s ago I discharged myself from Cumberland Infirmary contrary to medical advice. A do=
ctor at the Cumberland Infirmary had told me around five weeks ago that my medical con=
dition was irreversible. I also have a memory problem caused by the damage to my brain=
as a consequence of those strokes.. Again, I have no recollection at all of ever being=
asked to give the identity of the vehicle detailed above to anyone. I spent most of the=
time since around a month before Christmas 2006 in various hospitals, Brampton, Whi=
tehaven and Cumberland amongst them from around a month before Christmas 2006.
On 11th of November 2006 I was said to have been driving from Gilsland to Carlisle. I ca=
n recall around the time of the allegation made against me that a car had started follo=
wing very close to the rear of my car as I travelled down the A69 highway. I had serious c=
oncerns about what the driver of that car might have been up to by following so close to=
me. In or around early 2003, while I then lived at 16A The Lyons, Hetton-le-Hole, Tyne=
and Wear, I was warned that I would either suffer a fatal accident or simply disappear=
unless I stopped publicly voicing my concerns about Freemasonry. In 2006 I had contr=
ibuted to The House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee Inquiry into Freemason=
ry within the police and judiciary. I was at that time in regular contact with Lord Nol=
an who chaired that inquiry. =C2=A0That threat on my life and another where my family=
were subject of a similar threat made by a Mr Martin Green then of 16The The Lyons, Hett=
on-le-Hole was reported to Northumbria Police who also failed to carry out their pub=
lic duty regarding that threat. Mr Green admitted to a Northumbria police officer th=
e threat he had made on the lives of myself and my family.=C2=A0 Ignoring serious crim=
e carried out against me became a regular occurrence by Northumbria Police.=C2=A0 I=
=C2=A0 had refused to let the matter of Freemasonry drop following unlawful Houghto=
n-le-Spring, Tyne and Wear court proceedings after I had been battered and then stru=
ck by a car that had been deliberately driven at me. The magistrate who sat on that case=
at Houghton-le-Spring is verified not to have had the necessary qualification to al=
low him to act alone. This matter has been ignored by Northumbria Police for over twen=
ty years. On the day in question, Mr William Moseley also sat on the Houghton-le-Spri=
ng Magistrates Court bench. He was a friend of mine I thought and I had obtained work fo=
r his garage at Hetton-le-Hole. He was and I understand still is a close friend of the m=
an who had battered me and then struck me with his car. Mr Mosley alleged that even thou=
gh he had sat on the Houghton-le-Spring Magistrates Court bench at the=C2=A0 materi=
al time, he later claimed to me that he had stood down from it. This was after I had appro=
ached him on that matter. Magistrate Mr. Moseley was a regular visitor to the Hetton-=
le-Hole Masonic Hall and was known to be a member of the Freemasons. The man who had bat=
tered me and struck me with his car supplied the local Masonic Halls with fruit and veg=
etables for use in their functions..
=C2=A0=C2=A0Within the past years I have also reported the threat on my life to Cumbr=
ia police officers who have it would also seem, have ignored this matter.
In early February 2003, Northumbria Police Special Squad Police officers laid sieg=
e to my home then at 16A The Lyons, Hetton-le-Hole, Tyne and Wear DH5 0HT.=C2=A0 Polic=
e marksmen were then stationed outside of that house and I came close to being shot by t=
hem. =C2=A0My life on that occasion was saved by a policewoman negotiator named to me=
as =E2=80=9CJo=E2=80=9D This despite me not being armed as a threat to anyone else bu=
t myself.
Three nights later the Northumbria Special Squad police officers battered down the=
door of my home. Two of their officers then handcuffed me. =C2=A0Special Squad polic=
e officers then attempted to impale me on a sword that had previously decorated a room=
in my home. That attempt on my life was witnessed by around another six Northumbria=C2=
=A0 Police Special Squad officers. One of them saved my life by dragging me downstair=
s away from his fellow officers. A police doctor at Washington, Tyne and Wear Police S=
tation saw the superficial injuries to my chest caused by the sword that police had tr=
ied to impale me on. For a number of years, Northumbria Police refused to accept any ev=
idence from me of the illegal Newcastle County Court final hearing of the cases DH400=
950, DH400898 and Newcastle County Court case NE401650 held before recorder John Hu=
gh Fryer-Spedding. Much of that evidence concerned the perversion of the course of j=
ustice in his final hearing of the cases unlawfully heard by the recorder which he unl=
awfully heard as a consolidated action under case NE401650. This, despite at that ti=
me of the final hearing of the named cases, there was an order in place made at the Durha=
m County Court on June 1, 1994 refusing an application made by my civil law opponent Mi=
ss Shirley Carr for the cases to be consolidated. Thatr order still remains in place a=
nd was never subject of an appeal by Miss Carr. This matter and many more that I can call=
upon, is yet more evidence that Crown Immunity is protecting UK establishment emplo=
yed criminals. =C2=A0Crown Immunity from crime is illegal under international law=
The matters of Northumbria Police attempts on my life were reported =C2=A0to Northu=
mbria Police who as was their usual practice, ignored it.. Those Northumbria Police=
Special Squad police officers who carried out attempts on my life remain free. I unde=
rstand that Crown Immunity may also be responsible for protecting them. My appeal ag=
ainst the possession of my home at 16A The Lyons, Hetton-le-Hole remains adjourned a=
nd ignored at the Middlesboro County Court from 30th January 2003. I was advised by a p=
olice Inspector to move away from North East England. That advice/warning was made t=
o me shortly before I left the Sunderland Royal Hospital where I had been taken after t=
he Northumbria Police attempts on my life had been carried out along with their theft=
of my home, land and most of my personal possessions. This was when the police inspect=
or was made aware of matters concerning my expose of Freemasonry. My bankruptcy=C2=A0=
was ruled at the Durham County Court=C2=A0 in 1998. This was done following the perve=
rsion of the course of justice by recorder John Hugh Fryer-Spedding. He then fled the=
scene of his crimes to his home at =E2=80=9CMirehouse=E2=80=9D, near Keswick, Cumb=
The costs awarded against me in the above civil law cases =C2=A0awarded by recorder J=
ohn Hugh Fryer-Spedding was on the basis of my alleged bankruptcy awarded by recorde=
r John Hugh Fryer-Spedding, in the circumstances that I state here and of the police s=
iege of my home at Hetton-le-Hole in February 2003. My father William Kellett collap=
sed and died two days after my bankruptcy=C2=A0 mentioned here was published front p=
age of the Sunderland Echo Newspaper. Alongside that Newspaper publication was an i=
tem that I was barred from remaining as a Hetton-le-Hole, Town Councilor by reason of=
the bankruptcy order having been made against me that followed from his perversion o=
f the course of justice in the above named civil cases. the perversion of the course of=
justice in the above named Durham and Newcastle =C2=A0Recorder John Hugh Fryer-Spe=
dding. He had unlawfully=C2=A0 heard the final hearing of the above civil cases as a c=
onsolidated action. In fact on June 1. 1994 an Order was made at the Durham County Cour=
t refusing my civil law opponents application for consolidation of the Durham Count=
y Court actions DH400950, DH400898 into=C2=A0 Newcastle County Court action NE401=
650. The evidence of this fact still remains ignored by the various authorities who a=
re aware of that perversion of the course of justice in the latter cases that made me ho=
meless. Along with the theft of my home at Hetton-le-Hole, most of my personal posses=
sions, land and vehicles etc. The Official Receiver, then situated at Stockton-on-=
Tees and=C2=A0 North Yorkshire Police were amongst those who were shown evidence th=
at I could not have been a bankrupt in the circumstances. North Yorkshire police dete=
ctives were shown the evidence of the facts of this allegation. They said that they ha=
d seen enough evidence to satisfy them that my allegations that I could not have been a=
bankrupt were true. A few weeks later I received a letter from North Yorkshire Police=
which read that as there was insufficient evidence of my allegations, no action was t=
o be taken by them. Chief Constable of North Yorkshire.=C2=A0 Mr Kenworthy was infor=
med that he has rendered himself liable to a lawful citizens arrest for the crime of Mi=
sconduct in Public Office. My wife and I had purchases another house=C2=A0 at 23 Gran=
ge Road, Dacre Banks, North Yorkshire for a cash sum far exceeding the sum claimed fro=
m me resulting=C2=A0 from the=C2=A0 perversion of the course of justice carried out=
against me by recorder John Hugh Fryer-Spedding of Mirehouse, Bassenthwaite, Cumb=
I have made many enemies resulting from my exposing=C2=A0 the serious crimes carrie=
d out against me by John Hugh Fryer-Spedding and others. There is little doubt that wh=
at I have done is to help show with the use of substantial evidence that the Judicial Oa=
th sworn by all UK judges and magistrates only to the UK Monarch is a fraud. Whether I=C2=
=A0 live or die the evidence of this fraud will still remain and with the subsequent co=
nsequences=C2=A0 arising from it..=C2=A0
We, my wife, Joyce Kellett and myself, =C2=A0had a number of vehicle crashes into our=
property, 16A The Lyons, Hetton-le-Hole, Tyne and Wear over a period of several year=
s. This property was within a 30 miles per hour speed limit. Northumbria Police offic=
ers who were called to the scenes of those collisions with our property. They said tha=
t vehicle drivers were allowed a distance of up to half a mile to slow down after passin=
g the 30 miles per hour limit sign. Photographs are available for some of those crashe=
s into our property. =C2=A0=C2=A0The court can check Northunbria Police files appe=
rtaining to these vehicle collisions with our property at 16A The Lyons, Hetton-le-=
Hole Tyne-Wear. There are other matters where Northumbria Police refused/failed t=
o carry out their public duty. This especially after I confronted the Houghton-le-S=
pring Magistrates Court on the matter of its illegal proceedings following me havin=
g been battered and then struck by a car that had been deliberately driven at me. This w=
as some twenty five years ago. The single magistrate who sat at Houghton-le-Spring o=
n that case had no qualifications to allow him act alone. This has been verified by per=
sons employed within the police several times. A senior police officer quite recent=
ly told me that it was his opinion that the matter of me being struck by a car that had bee=
n deliberately driven at me should have been treated as attempted murder instead of H=
oughton-le-Spring Magistrates Court dismissing the case. This is what I have come t=
o know as Freemasonry at work.
The above are only brief details of what has been carried out against me over many year=
s. There are many more such similar details. I do in the above circumstances have a rea=
son to be cautious about who follows close behind me. On the day in question when I was a=
lleged to have been travelling at 42 miles per hour, I was in pain caused by my taking (w=
ater) tablets which are meant to help with a heart condition. I could not stop on the ro=
ad to relieve myself so was making my way to the toilets at Brampton to do that. Since th=
e time of the allegations that I was travelling at 42 miles per hour in a 30 mph zone, I ha=
ve taken measures to help solve that situation from happening again.
It is also certain that my heart problem can be at least in part attributed to the stres=
s caused by three attempts on my life. Two of those attempts were carried out by Northu=
mbria Police Special Squad police officers and another was carried out while I was in=
an African Country. This attempt on my life clearly implicated a Member of the Britis=
h High Commission in that country. Evidence to help support this matter was taken fro=
m me by Northumbria Police Special Squad police officers. A judge has that evidence.=
Theft of my documents is now all a part of my life. This more so since I contributed to th=
e House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee Inquiry into Freemasonry within th=
e police and judiciary in 1996.
I can also write that I have driven since I was seventeen years of age without any traff=
ic violations having been made against me. I am now almost 64 years of age.
I had intended to try to have a solicitor to act for me in this matter. However, I am unab=
le to walk more than a few yards so that has not been possible to go to see one..
I was visited by mental health nurse, Mr Alf Parker (01228 564504) last week for a prob=
lem which is probably caused by stress to me. He says that he will and can verify that I a=
m undergoing treatment which causes me to want to urinate to lose fluids from my body w=
hich is what took place on the day in question at Brampton.. He also says that the Bramp=
ton Medical Surgery can also verify this fact if they too are asked about it. I have tak=
en steps as a solution to this problem when away from my home.
The statements that I the undersigned Maurice Kellett have made above are true to the=
best of my knowledge and belief.
On the day in question at Brampton I was in pain as a result of taking medication to have=
me lose body fluids. This was the first time this situation had happened=C2=A0 causi=
ng me so much pain while I was driving. I needed to use the toilet urgently at Brampton a=
short distance away from the Sands. Brampton. In fact I was slowing down as I approach=
ed the Sands at Brampton.=C2=A0 I believe that the car that had followed me down the A6=
9 highway had turned off before I got to Brampton.
Signed by me Maurice Kellett of 1 Spa Cottages, Gilsland, Cumbria CA8 7AL.
On this day of Tuesday March 6. 2007

Freemasonry is a cowardly criminal collective that calls itself a good fraternity o=
f men???? even the Grand lodges Of Scotland and England ignore our requests for them t=
o prove that they are a respectable charity. =

Please see our petition to Ban The Criminal Freemasons, just read what the victims ha=
ve to say and spread the word. (thanks SF) www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/47=
2007-03-10 19:58:32 UTC
Post by Second Family (UK)
Hi Second Family (UK)
We thought you might like to read the email
from Maurice Kellett, it will give you an
insight to the Masonic harassment that
he gets all the time.
Why would we want to read this crap? What has it to do with Cornwall?
Why don't you go and deal with your obsessions elsewhere?

If you are having so much of a problem with the masons why don't you
follow the old saying, "If you can't beat them join them", or are you
just pissed off because they won't have you?
2007-03-10 20:25:56 UTC
Post by NM
Post by Second Family (UK)
Hi Second Family (UK)
We thought you might like to read the email
from Maurice Kellett, it will give you an
insight to the Masonic harassment that
he gets all the time.
Why would we want to read this crap? What has it to do with Cornwall?
Why don't you go and deal with your obsessions elsewhere?
If you are having so much of a problem with the masons why don't you
follow the old saying, "If you can't beat them join them", or are you
just pissed off because they won't have you?
You followed it up!!
2007-03-11 12:09:37 UTC
Post by Rupert
Post by NM
Post by Second Family (UK)
Hi Second Family (UK)
We thought you might like to read the email
from Maurice Kellett, it will give you an
insight to the Masonic harassment that
he gets all the time.
Why would we want to read this crap? What has it to do with Cornwall?
Why don't you go and deal with your obsessions elsewhere?
If you are having so much of a problem with the masons why don't you
follow the old saying, "If you can't beat them join them", or are you
just pissed off because they won't have you?
You followed it up!!
Shouldn't have really, but it worked with the god botherers, they
havn't been back for a while.
2007-03-11 15:38:40 UTC
Post by NM
Post by Rupert
Post by NM
If you are having so much of a problem with the masons why don't you
follow the old saying, "If you can't beat them join them", or are you
just pissed off because they won't have you?
You followed it up!!
Shouldn't have really, but it worked with the god botherers, they
havn't been back for a while.- Zitierten Text ausblenden -
It is not a question of religion, but of the survival of Mankind.

Freemasons got into the House of Stuart in 1712, and forced the Royals
to commit worse and worse crimes until they were completely steeped in
shame. Then those Royals could be blackmailed into obedience. Most
were Scottish at that time, so this filthing-up ("grooming") was
"Scottish Rite".

As these disgusting criminals poured out into the outside world,
Catholics would go to their confessional boxes, and repent that they
had been forced into crime. The news reached the Vatican, and in 1738
Pope Clement XII issued "In Eminenti", in which the "Francs Massons",
"Liberi Muratori" and others by their various names who used the
"filthing-up" method, be condemned FOR ALL TIME.

Still the public failed to see the danger. The danger is TERRORISM.
Masons are TERRORISTS. Nobody is safe. The Masons spread throughout
the world, and seven MORE Popes of Rome ratified the original
encyclical. In 1884, in "Humanum Genus", Pope Leo XIII called them a

One of the dirty tricks is to replace doctors with frauds, to prey
upon the sick. That is why the newspapers said that 50,000 people are
killed with heroin each year. Shipman was not the only Masonic killer

Cormwall is not safe.

Maurice Kellett is a great English gentleman

Charles Douglas Wehner

Continue reading on narkive: